Gran Hermano is a reality television series broadcast in Spain on Telecinco produced by Endemol. It is part of the Big Brother franchise first developed in the Netherlands. As of September 2014, 20 editions of the show have aired (15 regular seasons, 3 VIP editions, and 3 all-star seasons). It is the longest-running series of Big Brother in the franchise worldwide currently on air. Based on the Original Dutch Version created by Endemol, the show sees a number of different Housemates, divided by gender, social backgrounds and geographical locations locked up together in a House, where the viewing Public can watch them twenty-four hours a day, and vote them out of the House as they choose to. The housemates live in isolation from the outside world in a house custom built with everyday objects, like fridges and a garden. The house also includes cameras and microphones in most of the rooms to record all of the activity in the house. The only place where Housemates can be away from the other contestants is in the Diary Room, where they can confess their true feelings. The winner is the last contestant remaining in the house, and receives a large cash prize. Housemates are evicted weekly throughout the show by the viewing public. The show's name comes from George Orwell's 1948 novel 1984, a dystopia in which Big Brother is the all-seeing, omnipotent leader of Oceania.