


剧情 · 罪恶
S5 Jail: Big Texas
2017/07/15 S5 E20
Drunk Dunk

After falling down a flight of stairs while drunk, a young man is amazed he is in jail for refusing to go to the hospital. A correction officer tries to explain to a young man why carrying a gun-shaped knife is not a good idea. An expectant father is arrested after a gin-fueled rampage at his parent's house and misses the birth of his first child. A woman arrested for selling fake designer purses as real ones says she didn't know it was a crime.

2017/07/08 S5 E19
Ring Swallower
2017/04/22 S5 E18
Panhandling Problems
2017/04/15 S5 E17
A Tense Confrontation; Beer Sets Off a Family Fight

Officers find hidden drugs on a burglary suspect during a pat down, leading to a tense confrontation; a beer sets off a fight between a mom and her daughter, causing one family member to end up in jail.

2017/02/11 S5 E16
Clowns Crack and Shotguns
2017/02/04 S5 E15
Alcohol and Career Advice

Alcohol and a cellphone dispute lead one man to the ``green suit''; two panhandlers profess their undying love for each other; alcohol pushes a proud father across the line; a homeless woman gives officers career advice.

2017/01/28 S5 E14
Chased Down

Cameras catch an arrested man making a run for freedom; an addict returns to jail and tells officers that drugs are controlling his mind; humility may help one man quit his life of crime.

2016/11/05 S5 E13
Prison Primping
2016/10/29 S5 E12
Kitchen Mayhem
2016/10/22 S5 E11
Breaking Rules
2016/10/15 S5 E10
Razors and Rage
2016/10/08 S5 E9
Irritable Inmates
2016/10/01 S5 E8
Monkey Shines
2016/09/24 S5 E7
No Jail for Old Men

An inmate demands officers follow her instructions while in jail; a man insists that he was kidnapped by the police and is being held illegally.

2016/08/20 S5 E6
Sisters and a Sugar Daddy

Two sisters have no one to bail them out after a mini-crime spree; a domestic argument lands a husband in jail.

2016/08/13 S5 E5
Self-Medicating Felon
2016/08/06 S5 E4
Ms. Sunshine

A woman who calls herself ``Sunshine'' has a dark disposition; a man trades a halfway house for jail to get his life in order; a career criminal shows no regret.

2016/07/30 S5 E3
One Joint Equals Custody

Welcoming an eccentric regular back to jail; a man fleeing Mexico details the horrors he escaped; a young woman describes her lucrative stint as a stripper.

2016/07/23 S5 E2
Half-Baked Brisket

A man arrested on drug warrants gets upset about the brisket he left on the grill; a drunk man flirts with the jail staff; an inmate sells tree leaves as pot to an undercover officer.

2016/07/09 S5 E1
Rough and Rowdy

A driver with a baby in her backseat texts, drinks and drives; after his arrest for shoplifting, a young man realizes the consequences of his crime.