

真相捕捉 The Capture

剧情 · 惊悚 · 侦探

英国士兵肖恩·埃默里(卡勒姆·特纳 饰)被控于阿富汗战地滥杀无辜,人权律师团队指出控方视频证据缺陷,使其重获自由与幼女团聚。然而伦敦街头一段夜间视频监控却又再次颠覆他的生活,迫使其不得不重新为自由而战。新晋督察瑞秋·凯瑞警探(荷丽黛·格兰杰 饰)在主持调查的过程中逐渐发现,真相有时可能只是角度问题——那么她这一次是否该相信肖恩·埃默里?

 在眼下这个“后真相时代”,面对漫天蔽野的假新闻和瞒天过海的情报机构,我们是否还能相信自己的眼睛? 剧集由2013年英国电视学院奖(BAFTA TV Award)纪实类最佳导演本·切南(Ben Chanan)创作编导并执行制作,并由盛日电视(Heyday Television)为英国广播公司第一台(BBC1)制作。

2019/10/08 S1 E6 8.7

Carey teams up with Shaun Emery to try and expose Correction, but Napier is one step ahead. Shaun's future, and that of the nation's system of justice, lie with one person. Carey has a decision to make.

2019/10/01 S1 E5 8.2
A Pilgrim of Justice

Neither Carey nor Shaun are prepared for what lies ahead, as the truth, in all its complexity and ambiguity, is revealed to them.

2019/09/24 S1 E4 8.5
Blind Spots

Carey develops a theory as answers begin to reveal themselves, and Shaun finds himself trusting an enigmatic stranger who promises to lead him to the truth.

2019/09/17 S1 E3 8.1
Truffle Hog

The stakes intensify for Shaun when he comes face to face with inscrutable CIA agent Frank Napier, whilst Carey's investigation appears to hit rock bottom.

2019/09/10 S1 E2 8.1
Toy Soldier

After key evidence is mysteriously redacted from her investigation, Carey is forced to find other ways of pursuing Shaun, who is searching for answers of his own.

2019/09/03 S1 E1 8
What Happens in Helmand

When soldier Shaun Emery's conviction for a murder in Afghanistan is overturned because of flawed video evidence, he returns to life as a free man with his young daughter. But when damning CCTV footage from a night out in London comes to light, Shaun's life takes a shocking turn and he must soon fight for his freedom once again.

With newly promoted DI Rachel Carey drafted in to investigate Shaun's case, she quickly learns that the truth can sometimes be a matter of perspective. Should she trust Shaun Emery?


本剧引入了“客串主角”的概念,即每季一个女主以外的新主角。第一季的Callum Turner不会回归。 新季将再次质疑眼见是否一定为实。英国正遭受围攻:被黑客攻击的新闻动态推送、被操纵的媒体,以及政治中出现的干涉。在英国「校正」部门站稳脚跟的Rachel Carey高级督察,发现自己正处于一场新的阴谋之中,面临着一个新的目标。

可是,当她甚至不能信任自己最亲近的同事时,又要如何解决这起案件呢? 相较第一季的监控问题,情况更加恶化。故事将讲述“隐形”杀手、深度伪造科技的可怕崛起、政府与大型科技公司之间日益紧张的关系,和英国媒体内部核心的腐败。 Holliday Grainger回归饰演女主角Rachel Carey高级督察。

Paapa Essiedu(《我可以毁掉你》)饰演新客串男主Isaac Turner议员,一位年轻的后起之秀政客,有志于最高层职位。


英国士兵肖恩·埃默里(卡勒姆·特纳 饰)被控于阿富汗战地滥杀无辜,人权律师团队指出控方视频证据缺陷,使其重获自由与幼女团聚。然而伦敦街头一段夜间视频监控却又再次颠覆他的生活,迫使其不得不重新为自由而战。新晋督察瑞秋·凯瑞警探(荷丽黛·格兰杰 饰)在主持调查的过程中逐渐发现,真相有时可能只是角度问题——那么她这一次是否该相信肖恩·埃默里?

 在眼下这个“后真相时代”,面对漫天蔽野的假新闻和瞒天过海的情报机构,我们是否还能相信自己的眼睛? 剧集由2013年英国电视学院奖(BAFTA TV Award)纪实类最佳导演本·切南(Ben Chanan)创作编导并执行制作,并由盛日电视(Heyday Television)为英国广播公司第一台(BBC1)制作。