

2021/03/17 S3 E8
Janet Scott

Documentary examining the murder of Janet Scott, who was killed by her partner, Simon Mellors, a man who had been hiding a dark and violent secret - he had spent the last 14 years in prison for the murder of his ex-partner. In the months leading up to her death, Simon showered Janet with gifts and attention, but their relationship drastically changed when Simon became increasingly controlling of who she saw, her home and her life. Feeling suffocated, Janet decided to end things, with fatal consequences.

2021/03/04 S3 E7
Penny Beale

The investigation into the death of Penny Beale in November 2001. Her boyfriend Michael Moffat claimed she fell down the stairs while drunk - but her mother knew better. To the police, Michael presented as a charming, helpful man who had been struggling to save his girlfriend from her alcohol and drug addictions. Penny's mother was aware of another side of him however - he was a drunk, abusive and violent man who was now trying to get away with her daughter's murder.

2021/02/25 S3 E6
Carole Waugh

In January 2011, 48-year-old Carole Waugh decided to give online dating a try. Carole was a successful and independently wealthy woman, but was searching for more excitement in her life and a partner to share it with. After months of searching, Carole finally met someone she thought was her perfect match - rich doctor Rakesh Bhayani. But all was not as Carole believed. Bhayani was not a doctor, but a convicted conman who only had eyes for Carole's money. Less than a year later, Bhayani would take not only her money, but also her life.

2021/02/16 S3 E5
Michelle Stewart

Detailing the tragic events leading up to Michelle's murder.

2021/02/09 S3 E4
Alethea Taylor

Examining the murder of retired schoolteacher Alethea Taylor. She went missing in 2012 and her body has never been found. Alethea's friends and family are among the contributors.

2021/02/02 S3 E3
Carol Taggart

Carol Taggart, a 54-year-old mother of three, appears to have been murdered by her own son in Scotland.

2021/01/26 S3 E2
Natalie Jarvis

In October 2012, a group of friends driving through a village in Kent come across the badly injured body of a young woman on the side of the road. 23-year-old Natalie Jarvis was stabbed to death by someone she thought was a friend.

2021/01/19 S3 E1
The IVF Killer

The true crime series returns with the case of pharmacist Mitesh Patel. In 2018 he called police to tell them he had returned home to find his wife, Jessica, murdered. However, it was all a lie. Within weeks, Mitesh's double life as a gay man had become apparent to the police. Far from being a committed husband and pillar of the Hindu community, he had been plotting an affair with his lover in Australia.