

The K2

剧情 · 动作
2016/11/12 S1 E16 9
Episode 16

Chairman Choi takes Anna hostage, but ends up trapped in Cloud Nine with Se Joon, Yoo Jin, and the bomb.

2016/11/11 S1 E15 8.5
Episode 15

Yoo Jin refuses to give up Cloud Nine without a fight. Je Ha agrees to give Park Kwan Soo the memory card.

2016/11/05 S1 E14 8
Episode 14

Je Ha is seriously wounded trying to get Kim Suk Han's memory card. Park decides to take advantage of the confusion and bring down JSS.

2016/11/04 S1 E13 7.5
Episode 13

Se Joon's explanation of Yoo Jin's statement to the press may not be enough to save his candidacy. Yoo Jin tries to convince Anna to leave the country.

2016/10/29 S1 E12 9
Episode 12

Anna asks Chairman Choi to help her get justice for her mother. An online post that goes viral results in a re-investigation of Hye Rin's death that may get Yoo Jin arrested.

2016/10/28 S1 E11 8.5
Episode 11

The assassination does not turn out as planned, but Yoo Jin manages to turn it to her and Se Joon's advantage. Je Ha makes a deal with Park.

2016/10/22 S1 E10 8.5
Episode 10

Anna appeals to the public to find out more about her mother's death. The investigation of Se Joon takes a new turn.

2016/10/21 S1 E9 9
Episode 9

Anna meets a family member she didn't know she had who can change her life. Je Ha receives another employment offer.

2016/10/15 S1 E8 8
Episode 8

The investigation that Se Joon asked for on Yoo Jin's family's company begins. As the search for Anna attracts more online attention, JSS scrambles to do damage control.

2016/10/14 S1 E7 8
Episode 7

After rushing to save Anna, Je Ha makes a difficult promise. Yoo Jin gives away information that could be used against her to secure an alliance.

2016/10/08 S1 E6 8.5
Episode 6

Yoo Jin offers Je Ha a chance to find out more about his past. Anna escapes the house with the intent of finding her father.

2016/10/07 S1 E5 8.5
Episode 5

At a funeral, Yoo Jin falls into a trap that she cannot escape without Je Ha's help.

2016/10/01 S1 E4 8.5
Episode 4

Yoo Jin convinces Je Ha that they can both benefit from working together, even when he doesn't quite fit in at JSS.

2016/09/30 S1 E3 8
Episode 3

Se Joon uses an assassination attempt against Yoo Jin to further his campaign. Chief Joo offers Je Ha a job with JSS.

2016/09/24 S1 E2 7.3
Episode 2

President Park searches for Je Ha, who is on the run. Yoo Jin orders Anna be brought to Korea.

2016/09/23 S1 E1 8.3
Episode 1

Kim Je Ha, a former agent, unwittingly attracts the attention of Choi Yoo Jin, a First Lady candidate, who won't let anything stop her from climbing to power.