

2021/12/23 S11 E

A family Christmas party turns sour when Lucy announces that she has got tickets to see Jason Donovan in panto. Lee loathes panto, especially given Jason Donovan was Lucy's teenage crush. That night, while Lee and Lucy turn their backs on each other in bed, Lee has an unsettling dream in which he is dressed as Buttons and his whole life has turned into a pantomime. Lucy is Cinderella, Toby and Anna are the Ugly Sisters, Geoffrey is Baron Hardup, and Wendy is the Fairy Godmother - and Prince Charming, the handsome suitor who pursues Cinderella and asks for her hand in marriage, is played by Jason Donovan. Can Buttons keep the fairy-tale couple apart?

2021/02/05 S11 E5 8

The family visit to the war graves in Normandy gets off to a bad start, and Lucy discovers that her grandfather, Wendy's father, was not the man she thought he was.

2021/01/29 S11 E4
Old Acquaintance

When Lee joins Facebook for the first time and is contacted by an ex-girlfriend from 20 years ago, Lucy is annoyed that she cares so much. Her feelings are complicated by the sudden reappearance of a friend from university, with whom she had a brief relationship. Threatened by fond memories from the past, Lee and Lucy start behaving badly.

2021/01/22 S11 E3

When Lee's feckless dad, Frank, announces that he's engaged to be married, Lee cannot believe that any woman would want to marry him. There must be something wrong with her. Lucy invites Frank and Carol to dinner to allay Lee's fears. Carol turns out to be perfect, but now Lee is even more nervous. Frank seems to dote on her. If Carol dumps Frank, Frank will be devastated. Then it will be Lee's shoulder that Frank will cry on, and Lee cannot cope with that. In an effort to find out what Carol is up to, Lee joins Frank's dating app and puts himself forward as a potential date for Carol. If she bites, he will know she's up to no good.

2021/01/15 S11 E2 8
Pub Quiz

To celebrate their anniversary, Lee and Lucy plan a friendly night of quizzing with Toby and Anna in their local pub, but the evening is derailed when neither couple can bear to lose to their partners and the foursome splits into rival teams.

2021/01/08 S11 E1
Small Package

Social niceties are stretched to snapping point when Lee and Lucy take in a package for their neighbour and inadvertently discover that it contains an embarrassing object that Lee now has to return. That proves to be easier said than done.

2020/12/30 S11 E 7.5

With 40 minutes to go until midnight, a New Year's Eve party at Lee and Lucy's house turns sour when family members start making their resolutions.