

我是僵尸 iZombie

剧情 · 罪恶 · 恐怖
2017/06/27 S3 E13 7.5
Looking for Mr. Goodbrain (2)

The zombie apocalypse begins as the killer in the Tuttle-Reid murders is revealed. Meanwhile, Major rejoins the fold and Malcolm tells the truth to Dale.

2017/06/20 S3 E12 7.3
Looking for Mr. Goodbrain (1)

Ravi's ex-boss and lover Katty turns up dead, and Liv consumes her brain to learn how she died. She soon finds herself dealing with visions of Katty and Ravi being intimate, as well as Katty's impulse to pick up strange men at hotel bars. Meanwhile, Major is outed as a human, and Baracus makes Peyton a job offer.

2017/06/13 S3 E11 7.3
Conspiracy Weary

After Liv and Blaine rescue Don E, Liv eats one of the truthers' brains to try and find out where oldest brother Harley is. Meanwhile, Peyton digs further into the Weckler case, and Ravi explains the facts of death to Rachel.

2017/06/06 S3 E10 7.3
Return of the Dead Guy

Peyton convinces Liv to eat some of Weckler's blue brain to learn how he died. Meanwhile, Boss pays Blaine a visit, and the truthers have Ravi keep Don E sedated until they're ready to show the world that he's a zombie.

2017/05/30 S3 E9 7.2
Twenty-Sided, Die

Liv and Clive investigate the murder of a D^D dungeon master who lived a secret life. Meanwhile, a woman who understands Major's issues reaches out to him, and Ravi convinces the zombie truthers that he's working on a vaccine.

2017/05/23 S3 E8 7.4
Eat a Knievel

An online prankster is killed, and Liv eats his brain and becomes just as obnoxious. Meanwhile, Blaine schemes to reclaim his business from his father Angus, and Liv and Ravi prepare to infiltrate a zombie truther meeting.

2017/05/16 S3 E7 7.2
Dirt Nap Time

While Liv tries to track down who stole the cure, she and Clive investigate the murder of an aggressively cheerful preschool teacher who was a womanizer on the side. Meanwhile, Major discovers the downside of being human after he has to pretend to be a zombie to stay employed at Fillmore Graves.

2017/05/09 S3 E6 7.3
Some Like It Hot Mess

To help Clive solve the murder of an irresponsible narcissist, Liv consumes her brain and literally becomes a hot mess. Meanwhile, Peyton learns some shocking news. Lastly, Ravi experiences a major setback.

2017/05/02 S3 E5 7.8
Spanking the Zombie

Liv takes on the brain of a dominatrix, infused with the memory serum that Ravi has been working on. Meanwhile, Major's condition continues to worsen.

2017/04/25 S3 E4 7.2
Wag the Tongue Slowly

Liv and Clive investigate the apparent murder of an office gossip at a dental supply company. Meanwhile, Peyton waits with Blaine to see if the memory serum works, and Major continues trying to find Natalie.

2017/04/18 S3 E3 7.2
Eat, Pray, Liv

Clive and Liv try to solve the murder of a mindfulness guru. Meanwhile, Major's condition worsens and his only chance is for Blaine to volunteer as a guinea pig.

2017/04/11 S3 E2 7.4
Zombie Knows Best

After eating the father's brain in a father-and-daughter murder, Liv gives Ravi some fatherly advice. Meanwhile, Clive remembers the past as he tries to find the person who killed Wally and his mother Anna.

2017/04/04 S3 E1 7.3
Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother

In the aftermath of the Max Rager massacre, Liv and her friends talk to Vivian to see what she has in mind for a zombie homeland. Meanwhile, Ravi's old boss shows up, Peyton asks Blaine to come over and play cards, and Major finds it hard to get work after being suspect of killing people.


医学院女生Olivia “Liv” Moore(Rose McIver)变成僵尸后在验尸官办公室找了一份工作——因为她必须吃掉人类的脑子才能维持自己的人性,而这份工作恰好可以提供这种便利。但是每次她吃掉一个脑子时,就会继承其主人的部分记忆。在老板Ravi(Rahul Kohli)和侦探朋友Clive(Malcolm Goodwin)的帮助下,Liv开始调查与这些尸体有关的命案,希望能消除那些长期逗留在她大脑中的恼人「声音」。

Olivia “Liv” Moore(Rose McIver)是一位循规蹈矩的好女孩,脸色红润,天真可爱,成绩优异,在医学界有着非常光明的前途。她原本已经策划好了自己的人生道路……直到一天晚上她在参加一个聚会时被意外变成了吃脑子的僵尸。刚刚成为「不死生物」的Liv试图重新融入人类社会,并且让自己的外表尽可能看起来像普通人,怎奈物理外表的变化并非她能阻止。她的皮肤变得惨白,头发也几乎全白了,眼圈发黑,看起来像是一个经过精心打扮的哥特亚文化群成员(Goth)。她的行为举止也从昔日的「神采奕奕」变成了「形容憔悴」。

Liv的这种变化令她的母亲Eva(Nora Dunn)、她的前未婚夫Major Lilywhite(Robert Buckley)和她最好的朋友兼室友Payton Charles(Alexandra Krosney)感到困惑。Peyton仍然保留着Liv曾经拥有过的A型人格(有进取心、侵略性、自信心、成就感,并且容易紧张),Liv只能默默地羡慕她。在创伤后「无聊期」内,Liv产生了越来越强烈的「想要吃活人的大脑」的欲望。为了避免自己犯下不可饶恕的罪行,Liv想出了一个妙招:去西雅图验尸官办公室谋一份差事。

这份和死人打交道的工作让Liv感到安心——她可以趁别人不在的时候偷偷吃几口无名尸体的脑子……反正治安状况不好,无名尸体简直堆积如山!尽管Liv很小心地隐瞒自己的行为,但她的老板Ravi Chakrabarti医生(Rahul Kohli)还是发现了她的秘密。令Liv感到意外的是,Ravi既不害怕也不生气,反而对此事充满兴奋——似乎他能从Liv身上发现无限的科学理论。