

神秘博士 Doctor Who

剧情 · 冒险 · 科幻
2012/05/24 S6 E 7
Good as Gold

Amy reminds the Doctor he needs to have an adventure once in a while, the Doctor complies and sets the TARDIS to its "adventure setting". After a series of malfunctions, the ship lands in the middle of the London 2012 Olympic Games, where they are visited by a panicked Olympic runner, who claims he is being chased. His pursuer is revealed as a Weeping Angel, who is seeking to seize the Olympic Flame and rob the planet of the good will and spirit it symbolises. The Doctor vanquishes the Angel with the sonic screwdriver, and the runner resumes his mission. Before he leaves, he gives the Doctor his gold medal. As the Doctor prepares to embark on another adventure with Amy, the Weeping Angel begins to reform.

2011/12/25 S6 E 6.9
2011圣诞特别篇 博士、寡妇与魔衣橱 The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

1938年,Madge Arwell在骑单车回家时救了自天空坠落的博士,而他回报她的方式是让她许一个愿望。1941年的战争中,她带着两个孩子逃出伦敦,在失去在外作战的丈夫音讯下,她撤退到一处乡下大宅,遇到了作为大宅管家的博士。



2011/12/06 S6 E 6.3
Prequel (The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

On 6 December 2011, a prequel to the episode was released online. The Eleventh Doctor is seen on a spaceship holding a red button which, when he lets go, will cause the space ship to explode. While holding the button, he has phoned the TARDIS to speak to Amy asking her to rescue him, although he does not have his co-ordinates, Amy cannot fly the TARDIS, and she is not on the TARDIS. The Doctor wishes Amy a Merry Christmas before letting go of the button, and the spaceship explodes.

2011/11/23 S6 E 7
Night and the Doctor: Up All Night

Unlike the other four episodes, "Up All Night" does not take place in the TARDIS control room, and neither the Doctor nor any of the Williams/Pond family appears.

This episode is a prequel to "Closing Time" by Gareth Roberts, and shows the night spent by Craig Owens (James Corden) before the Doctor pays him a visit. Craig faces his fears of being a father and caring for young Alfie, while Sophie Benson (Daisy Haggard) prepares for her trip and the lights flicker ominously.

2011/11/22 S6 E 8.4
Night and the Doctor: Last Night

Right before attempting mouth to mouth resuscitation, the Doctor finds that River is merely holding her breath, and had been chased by Sontarans. As he chastises her, she notices the gold dress he chose for their first visit to Caldoron Beta five years before, hanging near the console. This incarnation of River is wearing the vortex manipulator, placing the events after "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang" from her perspective. She demands to know whom he's brought, and storms up the stairs to find the hussy. An instant later, the first River returns from the TARDIS wardrobe, demanding to know whom the Doctor talking to; she returns to the wardrobe. The second River returns, demanding to know to whom the Doctor is speaking. When he denies talking to anyone, she resumes her hunt. A third River enters the TARDIS, actually wearing the gold dress. This version of River was expecting to meet the Doctor here, but on seeing an identical gold dress hung by the console, asks why he has bought another. The Doctor asks her to step outside to check if the light on top of the TARDIS is working.

The youngest River reappears, certain she has heard voices. The Doctor tells her he was talking to himself and she bustles off again. The second River returns to the control room, likewise convinced she heard the Doctor talking to someone. The Doctor brusquely activates her vortex manipulator to send her back to prison. The third River re-enters the TARDIS, followed by a second, older version of the Eleventh Doctor, who informs her that she is in the wrong TARDIS. As they are about to leave, she tells the younger Doctor that they are off to see the Singing Towers of Darillium. The two Doctors share a brief, sad moment, knowing such a trip would possibly be the most advanced (in total age) Doctor she would see before she dies in the Library ("Forest of the Dead") in the Tenth Doctor's presence.

As the older Doctor leaves, the youngest River returns to catch a glimpse of the Doctors together. She asks the younger Doctor about it but he refuses to tell her, using River's catchphrase, "Spoilers". River jokes that his secrets will be the death of her and walks past him. The Doctor pauses to have another sad moment before taking the youngest River on their date.

2011/11/22 S6 E 8.3
Night and the Doctor: First Night

River Song (Alex Kingston) is incarcerated in her cell on the first night after apparently killing the Doctor ("The Wedding of River Song") when she hears the TARDIS. The Doctor informs her that her parents, Amy and Rory, are asleep and he is taking her out to Calderon Beta where he intends to show her the sky on the starriest night in the entire history of the universe. The Doctor also tells her that she will easily be able to break out of the prison whenever she wishes, and explains that the diary he gave her in "Let's Kill Hitler" is to help keep track of their encounters. He shows her a dress he has chosen, but says there are more in the wardrobe down the corridor if she wants another. She hurries off to look while he pilots the TARDIS to their destination. While River is still in the wardrobe, the Doctor lands the TARDIS and hears laser-gunfire outside. He opens the door as a second River enters and collapses into his arms.


2011/11/22 S6 E 7.1
Night and the Doctor: Good Night

The Doctor returns from another night out with River Song. Amy, wide awake and sitting in her nightie on the stairs, catches him. She convinces him to tell her what he does while he's out at night, then tells him why she is finding it hard to sleep lately because her life doesn't make any sense. Due to the events of "The Big Bang", she can remember two versions of her life, one without her parents and one with. The Doctor comforts her and reminds her of the saddest moment of her life. It was at a fair when she dropped an ice cream. While recalling the event, she suddenly remembers a woman with red hair, dressed in a nightie, who gave her a new ice cream. When she finishes the anecdote, the Doctor is by the doors, ready to go with her to the fair.

2011/11/22 S6 E 7.9
Night and the Doctor: Bad Night

When Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) answers the TARDIS telephone in the middle of the night, she learns the Doctor carries on a very active social and adventuring life while his companions sleep. The Doctor (Matt Smith) then enters the TARDIS carrying a goldfish, whom he claims is actually a British Queen. Amy tries to piece together how the fate of the Commonwealth could possibly be affected by the Doctor, an unseen River Song, an unnamed Prince of Wales and the goldfish. She wants to have a serious conversation with the Doctor about her uneasy sleep, but the Doctor calls for her husband Rory (Arthur Darvill) to come deal with her emotions when he realises that he picked up the wrong goldfish.

2011/10/18 S6 E 9.5
The Naked Truth

The Doctor makes you an offer you can't refuse… bid for his costume for Children in Need!

The 2011 event saw an original mini-episode, The Naked Truth, featuring the Eleventh Doctor and written by Steven Moffat broadcast alongside a preview for the Christmas special The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe.

2011/10/01 S6 E13 9
River Song的婚礼 The Wedding of River Song




2011/10/01 S6 E 8.3
Death is the Only Answer

"Death Is the Only Answer" is a special mini-episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who that was first broadcast on BBC Three (as part of Doctor Who Confidential) on 1 October 2011. It was written via a "Script to Screen" competition in which junior schools were asked to write a script including the Eleventh Doctor and an enemy of his. The competition was won by the children of Oakley CE Junior School.

In the mini-episode, the Doctor's fez calls its former owner Albert Einstein (Nickolas Grace) into the TARDIS. Einstein carries a mysterious liquid which changes Einstein into an Ood.

2011/09/24 S6 E 7.8
Prequel (The Wedding of River Song)

A prelude to the finale was released online 24 September 2011 after the previous episode, "Closing Time". It shows Area 52 with the clock stuck at 5:02 p.m., where the leaders of the religious order the Silence are kept in stasis and River Song is wearing an eye patch in the same fashion as Madame Kovarian.

2011/09/24 S6 E12 7.8
谢幕时分 Closing Time



2011/09/17 S6 E11 7.6
迷乱痴神 The God Complex


2011/09/10 S6 E10 7.7
望穿秋水 The Girl Who Waited


2011/09/03 S6 E9 6.9
夜靥 Night Terrors


2011/08/27 S6 E8 8.1
刺杀希特勒 Let's Kill Hitler

在艾米和罗利的童年好友梅尔斯的胁迫下,博士等人去刺杀希特勒,梅尔斯不小心中弹,但竟开始了重生,原来她就是River Song,并试图杀掉博士。

2011/08/27 S6 E 8
Best of the Companions
2011/08/20 S6 E 9
Best of the Monsters
2011/08/15 S6 E 6.3
Prequel (Let's Kill Hitler)

On 15 August 2011, the BBC released a short "prequel" to "Let's Kill Hitler", written by Steven Moffat. In the prequel, Amy calls the Eleventh Doctor and leaves a message for the Doctor on the TARDIS's answer phone, begging him to find her child, Melody. Though Amy knows Melody will grow up to be River Song, she does not want to miss seeing her grow up. As she ends her message, it is revealed that a very upset Doctor was listening but did not pick up the phone, even though Amy had pleaded for him to.

2011/08/13 S6 E 9
Best of the Doctor
2011/06/04 S6 E7 8.5
好人参战 A Good Man Goes to War


博士召集了一只军队,兵不刃血的救出了艾米,可艾米的女儿米罗蒂还是被夺走了,这一切是由于宇宙中有些人对博士的恐惧----一个能够随意集结一只无敌军队的人。River Song出现,并告诉众人一个惊人的秘密,她就是米罗蒂。

【River Song身份揭晓】

2011/05/28 S6 E 6.6
Prequel (A Good Man Goes to War)

On 28 May 2011, immediately following the broadcast of "The Almost People", the BBC released a prequel to "A Good Man Goes to War". The prequel had Dorium talking to two Headless Monks. He gives them the brain of a Judoon, which contains a security protocol the monks need. Dorium tells them he knows what they are up to, as he has heard rumours around the area. He asks them, "All this, to imprison one child? Oh, I know what you're up to, I hear everything in this place. I even hear rumours about whose child you've taken. Are you mad? You know the stories about the Doctor? The things that man has done? God help us if you make him angry!"

2011/05/28 S6 E6 7.4
相差无几 The Almost People



2011/05/21 S6 E5 7
肉体的背叛 The Rebel Flesh


2011/05/14 S6 E4 8.4
博士之妻 The Doctor's Wife



2011/05/07 S6 E3 6.8
黑斑点的诅咒 The Curse of the Black Spot


2011/04/30 S6 E 7.1
Prequel (The Curse of the Black Spot)

The prequel consists of a short montage of atmospheric shots of the pirate ship, bridged by a narration in the form of Captain Avery's journal for "April the first, 1699; the good ship Fancy." Avery describes how his ship has been becalmed for eight days, and the crew are being taken one by one by "an enemy"; he fears that they are all doomed to die there.

2011/04/30 S6 E2 8.6
登月时代 Day of the Moon



2011/04/23 S6 E1 8.5
不可能的宇航员 The Impossible Astronaut




2011/03/25 S6 E 7.6
Prequel (The Impossible Astronaut)

The Prequel to The Impossible Astronaut was the first prequel produced by the BBC for the sixth series of Doctor Who. It contained the first visible appearance of a living, breathing Silent.

S14 60th Anniversary Specials
S13 湮流 Flux

运作人Chris Chibnall透露新季将缩短为8集,因为该剧拍摄的复杂性,在新冠疫情下拍每一集所需的时间延长了,“不过《神秘博士》的雄心、幽默、乐趣和惊吓是不会少的。



获得全球喜爱的第十三任博士——乔迪·惠特克(Jodie Whittaker)重返《神秘博士》第十二季,再次来到惊险刺激的超时空冒险。
在三个最好的朋友Ryan、Yaz和Graham的陪伴下,“十三”将面临迄今为止遇到的最严峻的挑战。这一季亮点不断——怪物祖迪、赛博人持续在线,Stephen Fry(《黑爵士》)、Lenny Henry爵士,、Robert Glenister(《军情五处》《飞天大盗》)以及Goran Višnjić(《急诊室的故事》《我们这一天》)将客串出演。本季以上、下两部分科幻大片式的“Spyfall”开始,电影般的视觉效果、引人入胜的情景中,来自外星人的威胁与博士们一贯的热心、幽默和赤子之心相碰撞。



BBC宣布续订《神秘博士》第十一季,不过重点在于,《神探夏洛克》编剧Steven Moffat将在第十季结束后退出该剧,将帅印交给《小镇疑云》编剧Chris Chibnall,新一任博士则由《小镇疑云》中饰演死者母亲的Jodie Whittaker担任,她将是Doctor Who历史上的第十三任博士,也是首位女博士。
